vital_signs What Our Customers Are Saying! vital_signs

I’m so grateful that I met Heather! I needed my certification done right away and she was able to rearrange her schedule to fit me into her class! I learned a lot and feel more equipped to help the special needs adults I work with!

-Victoria- Indianapolis, IN

Heather was very professional and stayed on time! She was able to answer all the questions I had. I feel a lot more prepared now that I have completed my class!

-Aaron- Whiteland, IN

Instructor was knowledgeable, personable, and professional. She really helped us feel comfortable with the topic and engaged in the learning process. Would highly recommend!

-David- Indianapolis, IN

Excellent CPR course! Heather is the teacher and she teaches based on real life situations with plenty of opportunity to practice. Heather makes the students feel comfortable, while also reinforcing the most important learning points for these life saving skills. I was interested to hear about the LiveVac equipment as a resuscitation aid for people who are choking. Thank you for a great CPR certification experience!

-Leah-Indianapolis, IN

Heather was very prepared, thoroughly teaching each lesson concisely, yet with grave respect for what we may encounter in our lives. This course isn’t just for teachers, coaches, or even paramedics. This is a must learn for anyone with “little ones” at home or wishes to not simply be a victim bystander if trouble knocks at our door. She will leave you confident to tackle CPR, AED-use, and even moments of severe First Aid. Great teacher with an even better heart.

-Zach-Indianapolis, IN

Heather is a very kind and engaging instructor. She made the class very relevant and personal. I appreciate her real life accounts of how CPR training has helped her save people when she least expected it. I will seek her out when it’s time to renew my CPR certificate. Highly recommend!!

Lisa- Indianapolis, IN

Totally satisfied with the training and service provided, loved the location, wonderful atmosphere, and professionalism. Highly recommended!  Shelley

Shelley- Indianapolis, IN